
Name: Kyle

Sponsor: BAE Systems

University: University of Cambridge

Degree Course: MEng Engineering

Why I chose BAE Systems

At university, I did two years of general engineering before I chose to specialise in electrical, electronic and information engineering within my third year. I was really drawn to the systematic nature of electronics, analysing how signals move through circuits, are affected by different components and eventually achieve a specific function.

Why did you want a scholarship with BAE Systems?

I had previously completed a placement within a small pharmacovigilance company focused on software design and development. The internship with BAE Systems allowed me to gain experience working within a large business, focus on hardware rather software and actually work within an engineering context. It ticked a lot of boxes for me!

What type of work have you been involved with during your placement?

During my placement I designed and developed a microcontroller SOM (system on module) able to run Linux, consume as little power as possible and fit onto a 4 x 4 cm board. I started by evaluating an existing SOM, simplifying the design to be used for the types of products BAE develops and reducing the power consumption further. I drew up the schematic and produced a board layout using Cadence and Allegro.

I didn’t have much experience within embedded electronics before this; I learnt about the various components required and the processes involved in its design and development. Additionally, being able to speak to current professionals within the business was invaluable, gaining their opinions of the type of work they do and guidance within the engineering industry.

What are your hobbies and interests?

Outside engineering and my degree, I do pole vault training with and competing for my university’s athletics club. In my down time, I also enjoy doing art, a hobby I have kept from school.


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