We know that the skills shortage threatens productivity, growth and economic expansion of the Electronics sector in the UK. That’s why we’re working with leading employers to encourage and support more young people to pursue a career in the sector.

The UKESF are tackling this challenge, with your help, by engaging in an ever-expanding education programme to generate interest in Electronics.

To date we have supported:

  • More than 850 high-achieving undergraduates through our Scholarship Scheme (2022). 93% of UKESF Scholars, who have completed their studies, have gone on to secure jobs in the Electronics and Technology sectors.
  • Over 800 schools (which is 20% of all UK sixth forms) with resources to teach Electronics in an interactive and engaging way.
  • Over 1,000 secondary school pupils, including 300 girls, with opportunities to have a taste of studying Electronics at university and to speak with Engineers working in Electronics.

The UKESF offers a number of unique opportunities for employers to raise the profile of Electronics in schools, engage with young people, and support undergraduates through university to graduate employment.

Institute of Physics (IOP) Limit Less campaign

Limit Less is the campaign to support young people to change the world and fulfil their potential by doing physics. Young people are well aware of the unprecedented challenges that we face today and the impact these challenges will have on their future. We should support their drive to change the world and improve their future, not limit or deny it.

Physics teaches young people to understand and solve complex problems. Not just on paper. Not just in theory. The kind of problems that exist everywhere in the world, waiting to be solved. There are no limits to what can be achieved with physics.

Collaborating with industry partners

Get involved

If you’re interested in supporting any of our existing initiatives, from Electronics Everywhere to Girls into Electronics to our Scholarship Scheme; or you would like to discuss opportunities for new and innovative projects that will support our mission, get in touch with us by email at [email protected].