Name: Dharmendra
Job Title: Group Leader in the Wireless Division
I’ve always been a practical person, curious about how things work and what made them tick. As a child that often resulted in breaking apart my toys – much to the dismay of my parents! I was always passionate about science and mathematics too, so when it came choosing a university degree it wasn’t a difficult choice for me to choose Engineering at Cambridge university (specifically Communication and Information Engineering). I felt that it would offer me a good balance of theory, practical skills and real-world application.
My work placements
Throughout university I was fortunate to complete a number of work placements which allowed me to experience practical engineering complimenting the theory learnt at university, and also see how real businesses operate in a commercial and project sense.
Why I joined Cambridge Consultants
I joined Cambridge Consultants about 7 years ago and it was really the opportunity to work with a large array of current technologies and for a diverse range of clients that attracted me. You also get to work closely with other disciplines (digital, RF, mechanical etc.) so there’s lots of opportunities for you to learn and grow as an engineer. The company places much emphasis on developing its employees so if you’ve got the energy and passion to do something the company will support you. I joined here as an engineer developing the low level software for wireless communication systems like the current mobile phone standards including 4G and satellites. We’ve also been researching 5G technologies.
Where I am today
I now lead a group of more than 20 engineers and there’s still not a day that goes by when I need to motivate myself to come into work!
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