
Name: Ryan
Sponsor: Specialised Imaging
University: University of Warwick
Degree Course: MEng Computer Systems Engineering
What appeals to you about Electronics?
I like how electronics sits between software and hardware, relying on skills from both disciplines to excel at it. My university course supports this well since it covers both computer science and electronics, and it has only enhanced my appreciation towards electronics.
Why did you want a scholarship with Specialised Imaging?
I had never worked nor learned about the sensor imaging field before, so I saw it as an opportunity to challenge myself and diversify my skills and knowledge.
The interview process with Specialised Imaging was also positive for me. The part that stood out was being asked about Verilog and hardware design which I have covered during my course. Since this was a skill that I would have to use in my third year, I thought it would be valuable to get additional experience.
What type of work have you been involved with during your placement?
I was working on the digital side of sensor design which meant that I was working with the codebase of a new sensor chip.
Much of my work surrounded creating test patterns to validate timing and sensor functionality as the codebase evolves. I also explored the next stages of the design process which included implementing the code and producing layouts.
Another key element of my placement was characterising a camera sensor on a Raspberry Pi which allowed me to learn about the theory, the implementation, and then the data analysis. I produced a report for the camera sensor which would typically be distributed to customers so they can determine whether the sensor would be appropriate for their applications.
What are your interests outside of work?
Aside from binge watching YouTube videos I play ultimate frisbee at my university.
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