CSA Catapult

We work in an inclusive way, and our engineers come from all backgrounds and walks of life. Having that diversity of thought helps us to be the best at what we do.

Our Scholarships

Placement Location

Newport (Wales)

Type of Placements Offered

• 12-month placements only


(1) Requires 12-month placement for 2024/25; (2) Students must be in the penultimate year of their degree; (3) Candidates must specify which position they are interested in; (4) No first year students; (5) Students must have permanent right to work in the UK after graduation

2023/24 Scholarships

Multiple new scholarships. These scholarships will be in specific technology areas at CSA Catapult Innovation Centre in Newport, South Wales. Therefore, please ensure you specify which job/s you are applying for in your application:

  • Advanced Packaging (not accepting applications)
  • RF & Microwave (not accepting applications)
  • Electronics and microprocessor systems (not accepting applications)
  • Power Electronics (position filled)
  • Photonics (position filled)

Who we are and what we do

Compound semiconductors are at the heart of next generation technology. At the moment, 80% of the world’s semiconductors use silicon – it’s a reliable, single element which can be found in sand and manufactured cheaply. However, the remaining 20% use a compound made up of 2 or more elements – some of the more common compound semiconductors include: gallium-arsenide (GaAs), gallium-nitride (GaN), silicon carbide (SiC), indium-phosphide (InP) and even aluminium-gallium-indium-phosphide (AlGaInP).

Compound semiconductors are lighter, smaller and outperform silicon in three main ways – power, speed and light. These properties are particularly beneficial for cutting edge applications, including electric vehicles, 5G communications and the Internet of Things. As a compound, it’s more complex and can be more expensive to manufacture. Nonetheless, this technology has the potential to revolutionise modern electronics in the same way that silicon did 50 years ago.

The Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult has been funded by UK government to maximise this technology’s potential, and boost the UK economy by applying compound semiconductors to new products and markets. Our year-old Innovation Centre hosts cutting edge equipment and laboratories, and you would have the opportunity to work with our team of experts in this innovative, exciting environment.

We’re a not-for-profit organisation, and we’re surrounded by a cluster of other companies in South Wales who already use compound semiconductor technology.

What you could be doing during your work placement

We want our Scholars to be an integral part of our organisation, so you’ll be getting stuck into real-life projects to challenge and stimulate with our team. You’ll be problem solving, working with our engineers and customers to find ways in which compound semiconductor technology can reduce our carbon emissions, develop our communication capability or improve our intelligent sensing.

Collaboration is at the heart of our approach, so you’ll get plenty of support and development during your work placement. As well as training and mentoring, we’ll link you up with our partners so that you can get a glimpse into what they do too. We work in an inclusive way, and our engineers come from all backgrounds and walks of life. Having that diversity of thought helps us to be the best at what we do, and approach problems from lots of different angles.

Meet one of our Scholars

Name: Andrew

Sponsor: CSA Catapult

University: Lancaster University

Degree Course: MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering

What appeals to me about Electronics?

What fascinates me about electronics is the huge breadth of the field; almost all modern technologies integrate electronics in some way. It is interesting building from others’ work and appreciating how interconnected the ecosystem is, between governments, companies and the individual engineers. Everyone has a shared goal of improving the status quo due to this connected relationship.

Electronics has an unequalled freedom of experimentation allowing many opportunities for creativity.

Why I wanted a scholarship with CSA Catapult?

CSA Catapult immediately stood out to me when applying. It has many interesting application areas which piqued my curiosity. They are at the forefront of integrating compound semiconductors into the UK industrial network, improving many products such as electric vehicle converters and high efficiency photonics devices; being on edge of technological limits has always been something that has interested me. I saw that CSA Catapult had various equipment that would give me the ability to see and understand how the world works down to the nano scale level.

My placement and its value

The work I was involved in at CSA Catapult as an Advanced Packaging Intern was very diverse. Some weeks I would be responsible for the wire bonding and die attach of an amplifier device. Other weeks I would be creating a test bed automation GUI using python for use with our equipment. This broad range of work helped me achieve a good understanding of how compound semiconductors will be integrated into future products. I was able to work with many highly experienced engineers which helped boost my learning on many topics as well as my ability to communicate many tricky Advanced Packaging and electronics concepts. However, the connections I made with the people working at CSA will be the most treasured experience.

My interests

I enjoy both entering running races with my club as well as running and cycling in my spare time; I make day trips to Fells and AONB near where I live. I also enjoy playing classical piano music and am currently learning Japanese.

Meet one of our Engineers

Name: Azadeh

Job Title: PCB Designer

Why did you choose a career in STEM?

I am really interested in STEM, as there is a link with what I know about technology and the kids’ world! As I have two kids too, I think it help me to be more in touch with their world and can help more.

What attracted you to CSA Catapult?

The opportunity to use my knowledge as an Electronic Engineer for new technologies, and being in touch with new industries. What is really interesting at CSA Catapult is being project-based. This means that there are always new things to learn and new career challenges.

What does an average day look like at work?

As a PCB designer, I am busy designing Electronics Boards with assigned software tools most days. Sometimes I’ll be found in the Lab, testing new boards as they arrive, or training myself for upcoming projects and the challenges they present.

When not in work, what do you like to get up to?

I mostly spend time with my family, my two kids, sometimes speaking to my sisters via video chatting. I love cooking, sketching and hanging out with friends – especially the ones that have kids near my children’s age so everyone can enjoy!